Keyless Entry Locks
Why Did My Rvlock Lock/Unlock On Its Own?
The lock operating on its own can be caused by random signals being sent from the remote fob. Erase the RVLocks fob memory by holding down the fob lea...
What To Do If I Get Locked Out?
*NOTE: We suggest ALWAYS keeping a spare key outside the trailer as the key will always override the circuitry. Use the physical key if it's avail...
What Do I Do If There Is Corrosion In The Battery Pack?
Corrosion may compromise the circuitry of the lock (even if the corrosion was cleaned out). If corrosion is found, contact us to get the back portio...
The Deadbolt Will Not Extend With The Door Open Or Closed
Despite our best efforts, there are few things that could be causing this. In order trouble shoot we will need to remove the lock from the door by rem...
Troubleshooting Steps To Connect BT Pro+ to Android
Troubleshooting steps for connecting an Android to RVLock BT Pro+ If you are having trouble connecting your Android device to the BT Pro+, please foll...
The Deadbolt Won't Extend With The Door Closed But Will With The Door Open
If the deadbolt will not actuate with the door closed but it does actuate with the door open, this is a sign that he RVLock is functioning properly bu...
Troubleshooting The Remote Fob
Why Won’t My Remote Fob Sync?
Programming Remote Fob To ensure your fob remote has power, make sure you see a blue flashing light when pressing a button on the remote. If you do n...
Do I Need To Leave The "ON/OFF" Switch "ON"?
The "ON/OFF" switch only controls the remote fobs. You will need to leave the switch "ON" for your fobs to operate the lock. If the switch gets turned...
Why Can I Hear The Chimes When I Use My Fob But It’s Not Operating The Deadbolt?
You may be pressing too close to the center of the button, confusing the fob. The connection to the button sits right beneath each of the symbols on t...
I Don't See A Blue Blinking Light On My Remote Fob
The blue blinking light is an indication of battery power. If you do not see the blue blinking light, it may just need a new battery . If you have ju...